Friday, May 25, 2012

Old School Jacket

Hello Jacket of the Week Fan(s). We are a little late to the party this week as you may know. At least we are still partying. We have a new addition in store for you this week. This week's Jacket is like Jacket when he had long dreds and a beard. Only this guy doesn't have dreds.  Anyway let's just get down to business and unveil...

You probably have no idea who that is. For one thing he is this week's addition to the Jacket of the Week.  This Jacket is a rapper by the name of Riff Raff.  He is very popular in the youtube universe and he is starting to cross over mainstream. He had feature articles in the LA Times and Gawker this week. Also James Franco is playing a character based on Riff Raff in Spring Breakers. If you are interested in his work here is a link. Rap Game's Dawson's Creek In one lyric he raps about glow in the dark Bart Simpson haircuts, in another he refers to himself as Rap Game's Dawson Creek. It's very high-brow stuff. How does this Jacket relate to the real Jacket? He doesn't, but he takes us back to a time when Jacket had a crazy hair style and probably watched Dawson's Creek. I hope you enjoyed this week's Jacket of the Week. Until next time...

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