Friday, September 14, 2012

Strong Jacket

Hello Jacket of the Week fan(s). The fan count is still in doubt. Maybe 1, maybe 2, maybe none.  The best part of this blog is that is about a man that we haven't seen in over a year and maybe three times in two years. So even though our Jacket morale is low we are still committed to the cause. And that cause is finding promoting the Jacket of look of bald and beard. So let's get right into it....

Yes, there he is, "Strong Jacket." For those of you who do not know that man he is none other than Mark Strong. English Actor. He was in Syriana, Sherlock Holmes, regrettably John Carter among other films. He has the Jacket look down pat. Beard length and side hair length identical. He may be classing it up a bit too much with that three piece suit he is wearing. . Nonetheless he is our Strong Jacket, and a fine Jacket indeed. Hope you enjoyed this week's Jacket of the Week. Until next time....

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