Friday, March 2, 2012

Not every Jacket fits...

Hello. What a great time of the week this is for everyone. Not only is both your work-day and work-week winding down to a close but more importantly it is time for the latest Jacket of the Week posting. This week's photo has been titled "Uncomfortable Jacket" because this Jacket makes me uncomfortable. Not every Jacket out there is going to be about good times, crunchy tunes, and sweet beards. You may come across a Jacket in life that just doesn't get it. I believe this Jacket has some issues that need to worked out. First of all he hardly resembles the Real Jacket at all. The Real Jacket has brown hair and "Uncomfortable Jacket" has red hair, well a red beard anyway. Also "Uncomfortable Jacket" is completely bald while the Real Jacket is not. Finally the Real Jacket is a normal, rational person. I'm not so sure about "Uncomfortable Jacket." Now to the moment you build your week around, the unveiling of this week's Jacket of the Week.

Most people think, “Awww, look at that, a puppy licking someone's face.” That would not be an unusual reaction for most but then you notice that our friend, (a loosely used term in this case) "Uncomfortable Jacket," is also licking the puppy. He is reciprocating the licking. But there is nothing to find endearing about this scenario, it's just disturbing. First of all nobody wants dog fur on their tongue. Let's get that straight right now. Secondly, I'm uncomfortable with the way he is embracing this young dog. There is nothing appealing about an adult male holding a puppy. People associate innocence with puppies. This guy over here is nothing but innocent. This man is portraying himself as a pervert. And I am not comfortable with that. That concludes this week’s Jacket of the Week. I hope you found it to be enlightening. I most certainly did.

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