Friday, March 30, 2012

Keyboard Jacket

Hello Jacket of the Week readers. This might be the greatest day of your life. First of all the Mega Millions Jackpot is up to 640 million and will probably reach 690 million by the time of the drawing. What would you do with all that money? How much do you think it would cost to buy Jacket? Just outright purchase him, as a commodity. Around 5 million? 7 million? It wouldn't be more than 7 million I can tell you that right now. The guy is no longer in his prime.  I think his friends and family would agree that was a fair price.  Secondly and more importantly, it's the day of the week where we reveal the Jacket of the Week. We have been on a roll these last couple of weeks, rolling out guys that have a striking resemblance to our associate (friend?) Jacket. This week is no different.  This week's Jacket differs from the real Jacket in that he is completely bald. And the real Jacket is probably more handsome than this guy.  Other than that they certainly could be related. So without further ado... This week's Jacket of the Week...

How did we find this Jacket that has been titled "Keyboard Jacket"? The decision-makers at Jacket of the Week were watching Conan O'Brien last night and the band Galactic were performing. I looked at the man on the keys and I said, "Is that Jacket?" Alas, Jacket has not joined a touring funk band. But he did look a hell of a lot like him. I made a note of this and now we are blessed to have "Keyboard Jacket" (real name Richard Vogel) join our closet that now comprises some great looking jackets. I hope everyone enjoyed this week's Jacket of the Week. I know I will certainly be enjoying his crunchy grooves that he plays. Until next time... 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Office Jacket

Hello Jacket of the Week fans. We are back with another addition to our closet. What a great day. We have outstanding weather, the weekend is upon us and most importantly we will reveal another Jacket to the world. We are looking forward to another solid post this week. We had gotten off track three weeks ago when we went with the puppy-licking Jacket and then followed that up with Vest (Keith Jardine). It was like the episode of Blossom when Tony, Blossom's older brother, breaks his two year sobriety with some late night solitary boozing.Things can get weird when you do that and that's what happened here at Jacket of the Week. But like Tony we've gotten ourselves back on track. This week's addition to the team is a working Jacket, a bread-winning Jacket. While I do not imagine this Jacket to be making a serious amount of money, he is nonetheless gainfully employed and building his career. We are proud of this fact.  The biggest difference between The Real Jacket and this week's Jacket is that this week's Jacket has a much bigger nose. The Real Jacket's nose is not particularly big. Also I imagine the Real Jacket makes more money than this Jacket.  And now to the unveiling...

This week's Jacket has been titled "Office Jacket" because this picture was taken at his office. I enjoy that fact that Office Jacket can dress casually at work. He has papers on his desk and a map on his wall so it's obvious Office Jacket has important tasks he must conquer each and everyday. I would personally like to thank Office Jacket for all his hard work trying to protect us and from weird zoning laws and bureaucratic red tape. Thank you Office Jacket. I hope you enjoyed this week's Jacket of the Week. Until next time.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Everyday Jacket

Hello, Jacket of the Week fans. Yes it is that day. The day when you get to view another installment of the famed Jacket of the Week. Today should be a good day for all, with the NCAA tournament entering it's second day and St. Patrick's Day a mere 24 hours away. For those of you that didn't know, The Real Jacket's Alma Mater went bust yesterday. So if you had no idea where Jacket went to college, (university as our friends in Canada call it) you can now narrow it down to the 8 teams that lost yesterday. And then further deduce it down to 7 teams because clearly Jacket didn't go to Harvard. Now let's move on to much more important matters than the NCAA tournament, which would be the Jacket of the Week. 

This week's addition to the lineup of Jackets is a friendly Jacket. He seems like a Jacket you would want to be around.  An everyday Jacket, if you will. That is why we have titled this week's Jacket "Everyday Jacket." This week's Jacket is a little bit less handsome than the real Jacket. But he is an outdoorsman. He's all American. And he loves his dog. The Real Jacket would like to think of himself as an All-American Jacket. But I think the Real Jacket has become an indoor jacket in his advanced age, a domesticated jacket. Clearly not an All-American Jacket. I cannot allow you to wait any longer.  Now the moment of your week. The reason you get out of bed Monday through Friday.  The unveiling of this week's installment of Jacket of the Week.

Is this Jacket's identical twin brother? No? It's not. But does he look 400 times more like Jacket than last week's addition? Yes, yes he does. And he could pass as Jacket's fraternal twin? Probably.  Here we see "Everyday Jacket" enjoying the company of his best friend Brutus on a Saturday afternoon. Brutus appears to be having a grand old time living his life with his buddy "Everyday Jacket."  A great moment in time that was captured and now forever immortalized as a Jacket of the Week. We are proud to add "Everyday Jacket" to our growing roster of Jackets. I hope you enjoyed this week's installment of Jacket of the Week. Until next time. 

Friday, March 9, 2012


Hello Jacket of the Week readers. We are back for another installment of Jacket of the Week. As Jacket of the Week continues to grow and build it's fanbase to previously unseen levels there is a fear that this blog will lose it's identity and begin to post pictures of people that look nothing like Jacket. This is exactly what is going to happen this week at least 15 weeks too soon. Today's submission is a request from one of Jacket of the Week's biggest supporters. This week's Jacket isn't really a Jacket at all.  Facially he looks nothing like Jacket. Jacket is a much better looking man than is this week's installment. Also this man like last week's submission is totally bald. Jacket still has numerous active follicles on his head. This week's Jacket has a goatee and lacks the classic sweet Jacket beard. And their hair color is also totally different. (Eyebrows and facial hair obviously). There is nothing that even resembles the real Jacket except they both are lacking hair on the top of their head and they both have some facial hair. Now for the unveiling...

This week Jacket is titled "Vest". It is titled "Vest" because a Vest is kind of like a Jacket but not. "Vest" is actually MMA star (star being used in a very broad sense, gate-keeper is probably a better term) Keith "The Dean of Mean" Jardine. Jardine has been a weekly request for the last three weeks. My reservations on posting a picture of Jardine are vast. First of all for the enumerated reasons above (he looks nothing like Jacket) and secondly most people have no idea who he is. It is also debatable if he was ever an elite level mixed martial artist.  So we might as well just post some nobody that actually looks like Jacket. The good news is the daily email requests will stop cluttering the Jacket of the Week mail box. The bad news we have completely sacrificed the purpose of the blog to appease irrational fan behavior.  I hope you enjoyed this week's Jacket of the Week.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Not every Jacket fits...

Hello. What a great time of the week this is for everyone. Not only is both your work-day and work-week winding down to a close but more importantly it is time for the latest Jacket of the Week posting. This week's photo has been titled "Uncomfortable Jacket" because this Jacket makes me uncomfortable. Not every Jacket out there is going to be about good times, crunchy tunes, and sweet beards. You may come across a Jacket in life that just doesn't get it. I believe this Jacket has some issues that need to worked out. First of all he hardly resembles the Real Jacket at all. The Real Jacket has brown hair and "Uncomfortable Jacket" has red hair, well a red beard anyway. Also "Uncomfortable Jacket" is completely bald while the Real Jacket is not. Finally the Real Jacket is a normal, rational person. I'm not so sure about "Uncomfortable Jacket." Now to the moment you build your week around, the unveiling of this week's Jacket of the Week.

Most people think, “Awww, look at that, a puppy licking someone's face.” That would not be an unusual reaction for most but then you notice that our friend, (a loosely used term in this case) "Uncomfortable Jacket," is also licking the puppy. He is reciprocating the licking. But there is nothing to find endearing about this scenario, it's just disturbing. First of all nobody wants dog fur on their tongue. Let's get that straight right now. Secondly, I'm uncomfortable with the way he is embracing this young dog. There is nothing appealing about an adult male holding a puppy. People associate innocence with puppies. This guy over here is nothing but innocent. This man is portraying himself as a pervert. And I am not comfortable with that. That concludes this week’s Jacket of the Week. I hope you found it to be enlightening. I most certainly did.